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“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” ~Dr. Seuss

Friday, September 12, 2008

things I know

Since there are an infinite amount of things I don't know (this fact illustrated thru my studies) I have decided to list everything I DO know.

I'm tired.
I've had a tremendously long week.
I love Miss Vickies ranch potato chips(no MSG, hurray).
I don't want to study World Arts and Ideas.
I need to read Sand County Almanac and Backbone of the World.
I love my boys.
I miss my friends.
My bank is stupid.
I want some new socks, books, music and perhaps some shoes.
My head hurts.
Venous of Willendorf is dated approximately between 28-25,000BC according to my text (however I did not look that up. I know it.)
I just ate a cinnamon roll and chips for dinner.
I had two coffees today.
There is a guy singing in the hallway.
I am sleepy.
Ir: is the verb to go.
Leer: is the verb to read.
My mail box is 467.


this is the extent of my knowledge.


Anonymous said...

You forgot "I love Pam and her couch!" :)

KATiE said...

how could I be so forgetful?